Detailed description of the Beconz App structure

Published at Nov 6, 2021

Beconz mobile application

A mobile application, running under the Beconz logo and Beconz brand name. Beconz is a native, digital coupon and advertisement mobile application – that invokes a dedicated database running on a remote server – to run and display information. The Beconz software has been specially developed for the Android mobile operating system and is not available on the web, nor runs a internet browser windows or runs in other emulated ways. Running Beconz application requires a permanent internet connection (online). An offline (offline) version is unavailable and is not planned for release in the future either. While running the Beconz application, an active Bluetooth connection may be required (but not as a default requirement) as the system can read information from Bluetooth enabled hardware devices (Beacons).

Minimum system requirements for Android mobile operation system

  • Screen: min 720p
  • Minimum Android 5 (Lollipop)
  • Minimum 1,5GB RAM, 3 GB RAM is recommended

Minimum system requirements for iOS mobile operation system:

  • Minimum iPhone 5S
  • Minimum iOS 10

Distributor, Seller, Vendor, Retailer

A legal person or organization that carries out economic activity under its own name, irrespective of its place, purpose and result, and in the digital coupon space – provided in the Beconz system – creates and distributes a digital coupon and / or digital advertisement towards Customers.

Customer, Buyer, Shopper, Purchaser

A private individual or a legal person or organization who is eligible to use a discount – provided by Vendors – for goods and / or services in the digital coupon space, defined under the terms of the given digital coupon or digital advertisement.

Digital Coupon

Digital information panel, running on the Beconz application interface on Customer’s mobile phones, that has been published and displayed in the Beconz system, and has two views to access the discounted price of the goods and / or services. The default is the preview. Tapping the digital coupon with a firm gesture gives you a detailed view. Thumbnails of digital coupons in the card view are right-to-left, and in the list view you can scroll from top to bottom in the Beconz client. The preview image of each digital coupon can be divided into two large parts, the upper and lower. The two sections are separated by a dashed line marked with a bar ending in the right edge snippet. In the upper, narrower part, there is the name of the digital coupon on the top, which always refers to the discounted goods and / or services, provided by the digital coupon. Below, theres is the name of the Vendor who has published the digital coupon. Also, at the top, find the expiration date of the given digital coupon, exact date and time, and Currently Watch Status indicator. The lower, larger part of the preview of the digital coupon can be divided into three sections, one upper and lower narrower, and one middle section. In the upper, narrower section, we show the discount type provided by the digital coupon, directly below the discount value. In the middle, you can find the basics of the digital coupon, such as the Beconz Price, the Original Price, the Digital Coupon Type, the Availability and Usability Number of Items, the Validation Time in Minutes, the Rewards Point Data, and the Details – tappable – button. In the lower, narrower part, we show the validity of the digital coupon by day, hour, minute, second digital display. The display dynamically counts down to the expiration date of the digital coupon, indicating exactly how long a coupon is available in the digital coupon space. If the Vendor makes any changes to the already published digital coupon, the newly announced change will automatically appear in the client within 30 minutes. By restarting the client, all information is automatically downloaded on the client.

Digital coupon Validity

All digital coupons have a validity period attribute, set in the Beconz system. The validity can be described in terms of time. The validity period is the time between the date and time of the publication of the digital coupon and the date and time of the expiration of the digital coupon. If the digital coupon expires, the digital coupon – published by the Vendor – will automatically disappear from the digital coupon space. Beconz uses the digital coupon validity by counting the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds left from the validity time and also shows the exact date and time of the validity period itself.

Digital Coupon Availability

All digital coupons have Availability attribute, set in the Beconz system. Availability can be described as a number. From a given digital coupon which can be used by the Customers, the Vendor publishes a specified, finite number. Availability is all the amount of digital coupon published in a finite number of quantity, which is displayed in the Beconz system. The number of available digital coupons is as much as the Beconz system shows. This number is all the quantity that can be maximally redeemed by the Customers. If the availability of a digital coupon is zero, the digital coupon will not disappear, but it is no longer possible to redeem it. Availability drops by one when a given Customer has already redeemed a particular digital coupon. At each redemption, availability drops by one until there will be zero quantity from the digital coupon. Availability is a number of pieces that can only be reduced. A given digital coupon becomes unavailable, unredeemable if its availability drops down to zero. Reduction in availability is triggered by the redemption of the digital coupon. Availability is displayed in the digital coupon preview.

Digital Coupon Usability

All digital coupons have Usability attribute, set in the Beconz system. The usability can be described as number of pieces and the basis of its calculation is the number of units given in the availability of the digital coupon. The Customer ’s purpose is to redeem exactly those digital coupons that are in the interest of the Customers and provide them discounted prices during shopping. In this case, from the digital coupon space to My Coupons – pulling down the digital coupon in the card view and dragging to right into the list view – a digital coupon will be added to the My Coupons folder. The amount of the Usability of the digital coupons will be reduced by one, but the Availability of the digital coupons will not be reduced. If the Customer has taken possession of the digital coupon, he/she will not be able to keep it permanently, however, he/she will certainly have the opportunity to redeem the digital coupon for a clearly defined period of time, marked on the digital coupon. If the Customer does not redeem a digital coupon the coupon automatically returns to the digital coupon space, the amount of Usability will increase by one. Usability is a number of pieces of quantity that may decrease, but may increase, but only up to the maximum number of Usability. Reduction in usability is triggered by dragging the digital coupon into My Coupons folder, while its growth is caused by the returning of the digital coupon from My Coupons folder to the digital coupon space. Usability is displayed in the digital coupon preview and also in detailed view.

Digital coupon Redeemability

All digital coupons have Redeemability attribute, set in the Beconz application. The Redeemability is defined by the amount of time, and displayed in minutes in the Beconz system. The Customer ’s purpose is to redeem exactly those digital coupons that are in the interest of the Customers and provide them discounted prices during shopping. In this case, from the digital coupon space to My Coupons – pulling down the digital coupon in the card view and dragging to right into the list view – a digital coupon will be added to the My Coupons folder. If the Customer has taken possession of the digital coupon, he/she will not be able to keep it permanently, however, he/she will certainly have the opportunity to redeem the digital coupon for a clearly defined period of time, marked on the digital coupon. In the detailed view, the amount of time of Redeemability is counted down continuously, until it is redeemed or – if Redeemability runs to zero –, until the digital coupon returns to the digital coupon space. Redeemability is displayed in the preview of the digital coupon and, – if Customer has already taken possession the digital coupon – in the detailed view also.

Digital Coupon Redeemability expiration time notification

All digital coupons have Redeemability attribute, set in the Beconz application. The Redeemability is defined by the amount of time, and displayed in minutes in the Beconz system. The Customer ’s purpose is to redeem exactly those digital coupons that are in the interest of the Customers and provide them discounted prices during shopping. In this case, from the digital coupon space to My Coupons – pulling down the digital coupon in the card view and dragging to right into the list view – a digital coupon will be added to the My Coupons folder. If the Customer has taken possession of the digital coupon, he/she will not be able to keep it permanently, however, he/she will certainly have the opportunity to redeem the digital coupon for a clearly defined period of time, marked on the digital coupon.The Beconz system sends a push-based notification of the Redeemability expiration for the digital coupon. If the Redeemability expiration is more than two days, the system will notify the Customer on the day before the expiration of the Redeemability. If the Redeemability expiration is more than one day, the system will notify the Customer on the twenty-third hour before the Redeemability expiration. If the Redeemability expiration is less than one day, the notification will be sent at the half of the Redeemability expiration.

Digital Coupon Discount type

We clearly distinguish three types of digital coupon discount types. The Percentage Discount Type represents a discounted price of a given, original sale price expressed as a percentage value. The Volume Discount Type represents the discount of a given, original sales volume expressed in the number of pieces. The Discounted Price Type represents a discounted price of a given, original sales price expressed in currency.

Digital Coupon Discount Value

For the Percentage Discount Type, it means a numerically discount, depicted in currency. For the Volume Discount type, it represents a percentage discount, depicted in percentage value. In the case of the Discounted Price Type, it means a numerically expressed saving, depicted in currency. Basically, the value of the discount is important in promptly and tangibly informing the Customers about the accessible discount – provided by the digital coupon and/or the digital advertisement –, so Customers do not have to calculate how much the exact savings will be. This values help in immediately deciding whether Customers want to redeem the digital coupon (and it savings) or not.

Digital Coupon Beconz Price

When redeeming a digital coupon, Customer will pay exactly that amount for the product and / or service at the cashier. This is the discounted price.

Digital Coupons Original Price

This is the original sales price without any discount values. When redeeming a digital coupon, Customer will get specified discount value (originated from a specified Digital Coupon Discount type) from this original price, for the product and / or service at the cashier.The higher the difference between the original price and the Beconz price, the more valuable the digital coupon is.

Digital Coupon Rewards Points

The unit of Rewards Points is the score. After purchasing any products/services with Beconz digital coupon, Customer may get points or even extra points. The extent and the possibility of getting Rewards Points will entirely depend on the Vendor and the type of card operated by the Vendor itself, who publish the digital coupons and advertisements. Therefore it is not mandatory to assign any Rewards Points to a digital coupon. A digital coupon may have zero Rewards Point if the Vendor does not assign any to a given digital coupon.

Digital Coupon Type

A digital coupon may be Single (One-time usage) or Multiple (many-time usage). After redeeming, the single digital coupon will no longer be available for the Customer. From the digital coupon space single digital coupons can be taken into possession and redeemed in accordance with the availability number of pieces, provided by the Availability attribute. A given Customer can only take into possession one piece of single digital coupon and also the possessed single digital coupon can be redeemed one time. If Customer redeems the coupon, the Customer will no longer see it in the digital coupon space. If a given Customer has redeemed a single digital coupon, it will not disappear from the other Customer’s digital coupon space, even if the Availability number of pieces of this single coupon drops to zero. From the digital coupon space, multiple digital coupons can be taken into possession and redeemed in accordance with the availability number of pieces, provided by the Availability attribute. In the case of a multiple digital coupon, a Customer may at any time take into possession and redeem the digital coupon, up to the maximum number of pieces of digital coupon depictid in Availability. Once all copies of a digital coupon available from the digital coupon space are redeemed, the coupon will not disappear from the digital coupon space, but the Availability amount will be zero.

Digital Coupon Details Button

At the bottom right of the digital coupon preview image Customer can find the Details button. This is a button, by tapping on it, the preview image of the digital coupon shifted and the detailed view appears.

Digital Coupon Currently Watching Status Indicator

The Currently Watching Status Indicator is included in the preview of the digital coupon and also in the detailed view. The Currently Watching Status Indicator monitors how many Customers are in the system who are browsing the detailed view of a given digital coupon at the same time. The higher the number that this status indicator shows, the more valuable, attractive the given digital coupon is. If many Customers browse the detailed view of the digital coupon, Customers may want to redeem the digital coupon as soon as possible, until the digital coupon Availability will be reduced to zero and the Customer will miss the discount. For this reason, the Currently View Status indicator number is updated every fifteen seconds to help deciding whether to quickly take the digital coupon into possession or not. The most frequently refreshed, up-to-date status assures in helping the Customer to evaluate a digital coupon. If a Customer closes the Beconz app while displaying the detailed coupon view, after a one-minute termination period and in a maximum of thirty-second refresh interval the Currently Watching Status Indicator will be reduced for all running Beconz applications by one. If a Customer returns to the preview view from the detailed coupon view, after a maximum of thirty seconds of refresh interval, the Currently Watching Status Indicator will be reduced by one for all running Beconz applications.

Digital Coupon Take the coupon button

The lower, larger part of the preview of the digital coupon can be divided into three sections, one upper and lower narrower, and one middle section. At the bottom of the middle part, in a white letter, on a red background, this tappable button has a primary function of letting the Customer take exactly those digital coupons into possession that is attractive. After tapping the button, the digital coupon will be added to My Coupons folder. The Customer ’s purpose is to redeem exactly those digital coupons that are in the interest of the Customers and provide them discounted prices during shopping. In this case, from the digital coupon space to My Coupons – pulling down the digital coupon in the card view and dragging to right into the list view – a digital coupon will be added to the My Coupons folder. If the Customer has taken possession of the digital coupon, he/she will not be able to keep it permanently, however, he/she will certainly have the opportunity to redeem the digital coupon for a clearly defined period of time, marked on the digital coupon. In order to redeem the digital coupon, it is absolutely necessary to take the digital coupon into possession, but you can optionally skip to pull the digital coupon into the My Coupons folder. Customer is able to directly take an attractive digital coupon into possession from the digital coupon space itself. This speeds up the process of redeeming the coupon at the cashier’s desk.

Digital Coupon Transfer button

The lower, larger part of the preview of the digital coupon can be divided into three sections, one upper and lower narrower, and one middle section. If the Customer has taken the digital coupon into possession, in the bottom of the middle part, on the left, in white, in red background, the Transfer button is located. The published digital coupons arrive in the digital coupon space. The digital coupon and the digital coupons published therein are visible and usable only to registered Customers, using Beconz app, who have already installed the Beconz software. For the future Customers, who have not installed the Beconz application yet, the Customers will not be able to register for the Beconz system until the Customers not install the Beconz app on their mobile phones. Whether the Customer is already registered or not yet registered in the Beconz system, the Customer can transfer digital coupon. During the transfer process, the customer’s only task is to enter the e-mail address of the future or existing Customer to whom he/she wants to transfer the digital coupon. If the Customer transfers the digital coupon to an e-mail address of an existing Beconz user, then the person to whom the transfer is made will receive a push notification. Tapping onto the push notification, the coupon can be revealed what has been transfered. If the Customer does not have an existing Beconz account, the person to whom the transfer was made, will receive an e-mail notification, with a specific description in the mail that explains the details, how to install the application and how to become registered Beconz user. After installing Beconz app, and registering as an existing user, the Customer will receive the digital coupon for further use.

Digital Coupon Use button

The lower, larger part of the preview of the digital coupon can be divided into three sections, one upper and lower narrower, and one middle section. If the Customer has taken the digital coupon into possession, in the bottom of the middle part, on the right, in white, in red background, the Use button is located. At the checkout, tapping the Use button on the mobile phone surface, a new screen appears, on which there is a Barcode or QR code will be displayed and exactly sixty seconds is available to redeem the coupon. During redemption, the cashier will direct the barcode scanner to the phone screen, so the cash register will display the discounted value provided by the digital coupon. If the Customer wishes to redeem multiple coupons or does not want to wait for sixty seconds and the Barcode / QR code has been successfully scanned in a shorter time, the white X button in the top right corner will be able to interrupt the countdown manually and close the reading process. Once this is done, the Customer can resume the redemption process from the digital coupons collected in your My Coupons folder. If the reading in of the digital coupon – due to the barcode scanner’s failure – is unsuccessful, the cashier has the option to manually enter the unique identifier (SKU) or the name (as it appears in the ERP system) of the discounted product and / or the service.

Digital Coupon Ringing in coupon

The Beconz system is capable of naming and displaying a so-called Ringing in Coupon. At the bottom of the detailed view of a published digital coupon’s middle-larger part the Vendor may indicate a Ringing in coupon with a future publishing date. Customer who may have missed to redeem an attractive digital coupon and / or the Customer basically attracted by the actions of a specific Vendor can be informed about the Vendor’s the future action and its planned publication time. Adding a Ringing in coupon and its future release date are optional, so not all digital coupons contain this information. If the Ringing in coupon and its future publication date are issued, it does not imply any obligation that the future digital coupon will actually appear in the content or at the specified time in the digital coupon space.

Digital Coupon Detailed View

On the preview image of the digital coupon, at the bottom right there is the Details button. The preview image of each digital coupon can be divided into two large parts, the upper and lower. The two sections are separated by a dashed line, marked with a bar ending in the right edge snippet In the upper, narrower part, there is the name of the digital coupon on the top, which always refers to the discounted goods and / or services, provided by the digital coupon Also, in the upper part, the Customer can find the Usability quantity of the digital coupon expressed in terms of number of pieces, and the Currently Watching Status indicator as well. In the upper part, the Customer can find the amount of money can saved by redeeming the digital coupon. Basically, the importance of Saving is to promptly and concisely inform Customer of the exact value of the discount provided by the digital coupon, so the Customer do not have to calculate how much will be the saved amount of money. The bottom, larger part of the detailed view of the digital coupon can be divided into three parts, one upper and lower-narrower and one middle section. In the upper, narrower part, the Customer can find the discount type line and the value of the discount. For the Percentage Discount Type, it means a percentage discount, depicted in percentage value. For the Volume Discount type, it represents a volume discount, depicted in number of pieces. In the case of the Discounted Price Type, it means a numerically expressed saving, depicted in currency. Also in the upper, narrower part, we show the basic coupon information of the digital coupon, the description of the digital coupon, the stores where the digital coupon can be redeemed, and the terms of use of the digital coupon. They can be scrolled from right to left, as a result of the scrolling, the category of information and its content is displayed. In the middle you can find the discounted Beconz price of the digital coupon, the original price (without any discounts), the type of the digital coupon, the availability number. It there is any gifts, provided by the Vendor, the Customer finds it here. The Take the coupon button and the optional Ringing in coupon are also located here. Last but not least, the delete icon is located here, tap the icon to place the digital coupon in the deleted coupons folder. In the lower, narrower part, we show the validity of the digital coupon expressed by day, hour, minute, second on a digital display. The display dynamically counts down to the expiration time of the digital coupon, indicating exactly how long a coupon is available in the digital coupon space.

Digital Coupon Description

In the center of each digital coupon’s detailed view, you can find a description of the digital coupon, which can be scrolled to the right under the coupon’s basic information. This is a freely edited text section, that contains basic information about features and benefits of the product and / or service, that the Vendor has made available at a discounted price. Basically, this is the business deal side of the coupon, for which the discounted price applies.

Digital Coupon Stores

Every digital coupon has a detailed view of the digital coupon stores, while the coupon description is scrolled to the right. A freely edited text that contains basic information about the availability of the product and / or service sold by the Vendor, at a discounted price in the shops provided by the Vendor istelf. Basically, Beconz app lists the stores, where the digital coupon can be redeemed. If only one shop can be used to redeem a digital coupon, only one shop will be listed. The shops were sorted in a queue, by the distance to the Customer’s current location, in kilometers. The closest shop to the Customer’s current location is in the first place, while the outermost shop is in the last place. Tapping on the choosen shop, will show a new interface that displays the store name, address, store motto, and a Google map. The availability of the shop is also reported, as its e-mail address, phone number, and web address. If a particular store has a detailed description of its opening hours and any other information the Vendor wants to share with its Costumers, it is provided at the bottom of the page, in a scrolling form. The Customer can close the opened page by tapping “X” in the top right corner of the screen.

Digital Coupon Terms of Use

At the center of each digital coupon’s detailed view, the Customer can find the terms and conditions of the digital coupon, available by scrolling right from the coupon stores. A freely edited text, that contains the digital coupon’s usage terms and conditions, what governs the Customers opportunities in using the coupon.

Digital Coupon Image

The coupon image is available on the preview and on also the detailed view of the digital coupon. Publishing image, when the digital coupon appears in the digital coupon space is optional and therefore the coupon does not necessarily include a coupon image. The image is linked to the digital coupon itself and expresses the subject of a product or service, that is transmitted by the digital coupon. The Vendor’s name or the Brand name may appear on the image. On the preview pane of the digital coupon the coupon image can be magnified in the upper left corner of the picture. Simply the Customer has to tap on it. To close, tap the red “X” in the top right corner of the image. In the detailed view of the digital coupon, the image can not be tapped, can not be magnified further.

Digital Advertisement

A digital interface for publishing and displaying the discounted price of goods and / or services in the Beconz system. The digital advertisement promotes a given product and/or service. Digital advertisement has two views. The default is the preview. Tapping on the digital advertisement with a firm gesture gives the Customer new, potential additional views (webpage, sound, image, or video). By tapping them further, the digital content will appear over the digital advertisement’s preview. If the Vendor makes any changes to the already published digital advertisement, the newly announced change in the digital advertisement will appear in the app within 30 minutes. By instantly restarting the app, all information is automatically downloaded to the app.


(i)Beacon) is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standard, based on wireless micro localization technology that may provides indoor navigation. The device can be installed outdoors (on posters or public transport stops) as well as indoors (shopping malls, shops, kiosks). (i)Beacon can communicate with Beconz Mobile Application and is able to send digital coupons and digital advertisements to the Customer’s mobile phone as long as the phone is in the radiation range of the Beacon. According to its current settings, the Beconz system is able to receive and display information transmitted by Beacon, within a range of two meters.

Beconz app Opening screen

Under the Beconz logo and brand name, the Beconz app opening screen is the very first screen of Beconz mobile application. This basically blue screen, welcomes Customers after the application is installed. The first interface includes the version number of the Beconz program, the date and time of the latest update of the Beconz application, the possibility of logging in to the already registered customers, the possibility of joining with Facebook account, the registration possibility of the new Customers and the forgotten password reminder of the existing Customers.

Beconz app Digital Coupon Space

Basic app interface, materialized in a card or list view, containing digital coupons and advertisements in the Beconz mobile phone application. In the digital coupon space, the Customers can use the preference (pre-filtering) and filter (post filtering) switches to display exactly those digital coupons that interest them.

Digital Coupon Card View

In the digital coupon space, this is the default digital publishing format of digital coupon and digital advertisement, a card like, digital coupon preview. Cards can be scrolled horizontally forward and backward. Tapping on the card with a firm gesture gives a detailed view.

Digital Coupon List View

In the digital coupon space, the non-default publishing form of card like digital coupon and digital advertisement. To set the List view, tapp on the “” icon in the top left corner. The list can be scrolled up and down vertically. Tapping on the card with a firm gesture gives you a detailed view. To reset the card view, click on the “” icon in the top left corner.

My Coupons folder

The Customer ’s purpose is to redeem exactly those digital coupons that are in the interest of the Customers and provide them discounted prices during shopping. In this case, from the digital coupon space to My Coupons – pulling down the digital coupon in the card view and dragging to right into the list view – a digital coupon will be added to the My Coupons folder. The amount of the Usability of the digital coupons will be reduced by one, but the Availability of the digital coupons will not be reduced. If the Customer has taken possession of the digital coupon, he/she will not be able to keep it permanently, however, he/she will certainly have the opportunity to redeem the digital coupon for a clearly defined period of time, marked on the digital coupon. If the Customer does not redeem a digital coupon – within the Redeemability period – the the coupon automatically returns to the digital coupon space. In the detailed view of the digital coupon, the Customer can also tap the Take into possession button to directly add the digital coupon to the My Coupons folder. In order to redeem the digital coupon, it is absolutely necessary to take the choosen digital coupon into possession.

Deleted Folder

If the Customer decides that a particular digital coupon will no longer be desirable for now or in the future, then the Customer can delete the digital coupon that exists in the digital coupon space, by pulling the digital coupon down in the card view, or drag in the list view to the left. The Customer’s intended purpose is to delete the coupon. However, a digital coupon can also be deleted accidentally. In order to restore the accidentally deleted digital coupon, the Beconz system keeps the digital coupon in the Deleted Folder for one hundred and twenty minutes. The Customer has a hundred and twenty minutes to put the accidentally deleted digital coupon back to the the My Coupons folder. Otherwise, the digital coupon will automatically be permanently deleted within a hundred and fifty minutes and will no longer be available to the Customer in the digital coupon space. From the Deleted Folder to My Coupons – pulling the digital coupon down in the card view and dragging it to the right in the list view – the deleted digital coupon returns to My Coupons folder. During restoring, if the digital coupon’s availability drops to zero within the time elapsed between the accidentally deletion and its restoring, the digital coupon you want to restore will no longer be available to the Customet, so you can not restore the digital coupon from the Deleted folder to My coupons folder.

Deleting a digital coupon

All digital coupons arrive in the digital coupon space, provided by the Beconz application. The existing digital coupon can be deleted in several ways. Drag the digital coupon down in the card view or drag the list view to the left. Tap on the preview image of the digital coupon to get a detailed view with a “” icon on its bottom. Tap this to delete the coupon. Last, but not least, you can delete the digital coupon from the My Coupons folder. From the My Coupons folder, drag the digital coupon upwards in the card view or drag the coupon to the left in the list view.


This is a pre-filtering option in Beconz app. There are four tree structure categories (Product, Service, Brand, Venue) where digital coupons can be pre-filtered before the publication of digital coupons done by Vendors, even before publication and appearance. Here the Customer can set the type of digital coupons that trigger to receive push type notifications, and which digital coupons can be pubslished to the Customer’s very onw Beconz system. Preference is not required to use in the Beconz system or to receive published digital coupons. Failure to fill in the preference list results in a push type notification of all digital coupons published in the digital coupon space, and these digital coupons will certainly arrive in to the application’s digital coupon space. Preferences are given in four major categories (Product, Service, Brand, Venue) and within them in different levels. The levels can be disaggregated. Tap the white marker next to the category in the sub-levels to select the desired preference item. Multiple categories and different elements can be marked. If a preference filter element has been selected, only those coupon push notifications will be received what correspondto the preferential terms, and only those digital coupons will be delivered that meet the preference criteria term. Digital advertisements are not covered by the pre-selection given in the Preferences, each Customer automatically receives all advertisements. If the Vendor makes any changes to the already published categories, the new change will appear in the client within 30 minutes. By restarting the client, all information is automatically downloaded on to the client. The activevely set preferences like, Product, Service, Brand, Venue preference setting is graphically displayed in the Beconz client, with their colors in quarter-round slides.


This is a post filtering option in the Beconz application. The Customer can fine-tune the digital coupons that have already been received in Beconz system – either after filling out the Preference or failing to complete it – with the Filter. The Customer can (post)filter the received, existing digital coupons under the terms provided in the Filter. In the Filter, there are Four tree structure categories (Product, Service, Brand, Venue) where digital coupons can be (post)filtered. If active preference filter is set, only the pre-filtering condition’s main categories – specified in the Preferences – are active in the Filter. Post-filtering is only possible between the main and subcategories of digital coupons already pre-filtered and hit. All other major and subcategories become gray and become inactive. Digital advertising does not apply to Filter filtering specified in Filter, each Buyer automatically receives all ads. Digital advertisements are not covered by the post-selection terms given in the Filter, each Customer automatically receives all advertisements.


The Customer can search among the digital coupons that are already exist in Beconz system. Small and capital letters or accents do not count when searching. Searching is available in the digital coupon name, in the description of the digital coupon, or the name of the Vendor that issued the digital coupon for the Beconz application. During searching, if there is a hit in the search text, the Customer do not have to quit searching to repeat the whole search process. Each new search process runs in the Customer’s full digital coupon stock and – in case of hit – displays the right matches. To turn off the search process, tap “Exit search” or tap the search icon “” or tap “Restore” in search input box.

Internet connection Signal Icon

To run the Beconz application, the Customer needs a permanent internet connection (online). An offline (offline) version is unavailable and is not planned for release in the future either. In order for the Customer to be able to ensure that the Beconz application has a stable and permanent Internet connection, we have introduced a color icon system. The color circular icon is located in the lower right corner of the Beconz app and has three statuses. The green color shows the normal operation, the client has a high speed , reliable, internet connection. In the case of yellow color, since the speed of the Internet connection is critically low or constantly fluctuating, problems may occur in the Beconz application, but the application can run. In red, the Internet connection is not built up, therefore the Beconz application will not work. Provide a fast and stable, continuous Internet connection for the Beconz client. If the Beconz client starts without an existing internet connection, the program will return to the message “No internet connection” and the message can not be switched off until a stable Internet connection is established. After accessing the Internet, the client can be started, and the message disappears. If the Internet connection will be totally broken during running Beconz app, then the message “No internet connection” comes up, and the Customer has to restore a stable the Internet connection as soon as possible to continue shopping.

(i)Beacon Connection Signal Icon

When running the Beconz application, an active Bluetooth connection is required as the system can read information from devices using Bluetooth connectivity. If the mobile phone running the Beconz client reaches the beacon device(s) assigned to Beconz system, a push notification will be sent to the mobile phone. Tapping the push notification will allow Customer to check the received digital coupon or digital advertising in the Beconz client. In addition to the push notification, at the bottom of the Beconz client, a yellow “” icon appears in the middle ,showing the presence of (i) Beacon(s). Exiting the range, the yellow “” icon will disappear. Next to the yellow icon, on the left, a small number indicates the number of Beacon devices currently in active range of the Customer’s Beconz client. By clicking on the yellow “” icon, the client can filter only beacon’s sourced, placed in the local shop digital coupons. By the filtered status enabled, with the filtered coupons the Customer can perform the same actions as remotely issued, system-based coupons.

Beconz menu

The Beconz menu is available from the upper left corner of the opening screen of the Beconz app, by tapping the “” icon. To exit the menu, tap the “” icon in the top left corner. In this case, the Customer will return to the digital coupon space. At the top of the menu, the Customer will see the name of Username and the Version of the Application. Starting from the top left corner, the Customer can see the Preferences, Coupon Space, Close Stores, Near-term Coupons, My Coupons, Trashed Coupons, Share App, Profile, Help, FQA, Logout submenus.

Beconz menu Nearby stores

The module lists all stores where a digital coupon can be redeemed and the Vendor has a valid subscription, so all stores in the Beconz system are listed in one place. These stores are sorted in the queue, according to store’s distance to the Customer’s current location – defined in kilometers. The closest shop to the Customer’s current location is in the first place, while the outermost shop is in the last place. Tapping on a any shops reveals another Beconz surface that displays the store’s name, title, store’s motto (if any), and a Google map. The shop’s availability is also reported as its e-mail address, phone number, and web address. If a particular store has a detailed description of its opening hours and any other information, it is provided at the bottom of the page, published in a scrollable form. The Customer can close the opened page by tapping “X” in the top right corner of the screen.

Beconz menu Near-terms coupons

This module lists all digital coupons whose expiration date is near. The expiration date is the end date of the validity period for that digital coupon. If the digital coupon has seven days left until the expiration date, then such digital coupons will be displayed in this folder. Its importance lies in the fact, that if there is a digital coupon that is close to its expiration, but the Customer has forgotten to redeem it, however, the Customer claims the discount, he/she can see these digital coupons together and decide whether to let them expire or go to the store, take the coupon into possession and redeem it. The Customer can hold a digital coupon in this folder for as long as its validity expires. With expiration, the digital coupon will disappear from the folder. If a Customer has taken possession a given digital coupon into the My Coupons folder or deleted it in the Deleted coupons folder, it will not be displayed in the Near-term coupon folder.

Beconz Menu Share

This module is for sharing the Beconz app. An existing Beconz user, who has already installed the Beconz application can share a download link for the Beconz application, for a future Customer with a non-existing Beconz account. During the sharing, the Customer will get a brief description and a download link. The module uses the standard – built in – sharing possibilities, therefore sharing can be done practically from any program, installed on the mobile phone, capable to content sharing.

Beconz menu Profile

In this module, an already registered Beconz user can find his/her account information and able to set notifications for different actions. In this menu, the Customer also has the option to check back the redeemed digital coupons, along with their date, listid in a chronological view. Customer can modify password, or even able to permanently delete his/her Beconz account, with all past information. Also, in this menu, Customer can specify whether the Vendor can send tailored digital coupon bids to the Customer’s e-mail address. By default, the switch is off. To switch on, tap the white full circle on the slider. Customer can also set the he/she wishes to receive an e-mail riport about newly published digital coupon or wants to have an e-mail about every single redeemed digitla coupon. By default, all switches are off. To switch on, tap the white full circle on the slider. Also, to switch off.